Cyril's battle with depression: “After a long time of darkness, I manage to find some light”

A closed and low-key man, the Italian veteran footballer Bruno Cirillo who now works as a representative of other footballers found the courage to speak publicly about something that had been oppressing him for years.

The reason of course for the depression and the panic attacks in which the athlete was immersed and had made his life hell.

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    However, as he admits, he managed to find some light and the courage to talk about it in order to help other people who face similar situations. In a shocking post on social media, Bruno Cirillo said it all … Read below: “Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very closed person. Today for me after a long time of darkness, I manage to find some of the light. It was difficult but at last normalcy is slowly returning. I am always a fighter, I managed to reach and fulfill all my dreams. Making incredible sacrifices and never giving up. When I decided to quit football, I did not imagine that one of the most difficult challenges of my life was waiting for me.

    ) Depression and panic attacks. I am here to tell you that slowly and after a great deal of effort, I am coming out of something I do not wish on even my worst enemy. My life changed. I lost all my certainties, I was afraid to do anything, I had irrational thoughts and without wanting to, I would have hurt people close to me because I was no longer myself. I declare that I did not make this post to gather followers and get likes. I do not care at all. For me it is a release. A new day and above all is a MESSAGE to all those who are or are in the same situation as me. Do not give up the battle. Be strong. Fight. Ask for help and especially whoever is next to (the person who has a problem) to try to understand what is happening and help “.

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