D-Black gifts baby mama a car on his birthday

Rapper D-Black has surprised the mother of his children with a new Range Rover.

The gesture is to celebrate and appreciate the important persons in his life on the occasion of his birthday.

In a video posted on social media, D-Black’s baby mama smiled widely while she stared at the black Range Rover with a big red bow on it. Their kids jumped excitedly when they saw the car in their home.

“Gifted the mother of my kids with a new Range Rover on my birthday. Always gotta appreciate the real ones. The smiles on my kids’ faces did it for me. Let’s appreciate the good ones. God bless us all,” D Black wrote.

D-Black also bought himself an S550 Mercedes Benz as a birthday gift.

“So I got myself a New Mercedez S 550🙏🏽 Grateful for Life & The Blessings God continues to show me. Grateful for the people that continue to support & love me. Grateful for it all 🙏🏽 Happy Birthday to the Enjoyment Minister,” he wrote in a post on Instagram.


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