“Dahoam is Dahoam”: New role for actors

The “Dahoam is Dahoam” fans should have a heartbeat.

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He is the fans of the TV series “Dahoam is Dahoam” for a long time. In times of the big farewell, Adrian Bräunig joins the main cast of the long-running at Bayerischer Rundfunk: Joschi becomes an integral part of the film village of Lansing.

Dachau – Adrian Bräunig has long been known to fans of “Dahoam is Dahoam” as a rascal and daredevil. His character now has a permanent place in the Lansinger film family and brings a breath of fresh air to the world of Kathi, Christian and Co. For five years, the 21-year-old has been seen in the series every now and then, but only with a supporting role. Now he got the big ticket and is allowed to show his acting talent in the main cast.

“Dahoam is Dahoam”: New well-known actor in Lansing

For many fans, the permanent cast of the character Joschi should be like balm for the soul plagued by departures. Just recently they had to watch how their popular character Felix went out into the world and turned his back on the film village . In addition to Shayam Hartmann, Florian Brunner, aka Tommy Schwimmer, also left the “Dahoam is Dahoam” crew and caused the pain of parting. The viewers are all the more looking forward to Adrian Bräunig’s permanent entry. While the actor had been given a continuous supporting role in the past and was therefore rarely seen, from now on he is allowed to stir up the booth every day from Monday to Thursday at 7:30 p.m. At least those of Kathi and Christian, because Joschi will be allowed to live there.

“Dahoam is Dahoam” (BR): Adrian Bräunig an integral part of DiD

Born in Starnberg, Adrian Bräunig has played Joschi at “Dahoam is Dahoam” since 2016. While he dutifully graduated from school, he simultaneously promoted his artistic career with supporting roles in “Bergretter” and in “ Sturm der Liebe “. The 21-year-old has been studying law in Munich for three years. The physical distance to the production site of “Dahoam is Dahomam” should be practical, after all, the cult series will be filmed in Dachau. Adrian Bräunig combines studies and acting and also has time for sports and music. With this talent, the fans are not surprised that the young talent is now playing a leading role at DiD. He immediately shared his entry with his followers on Instagram :

Fans of “Dahoam is Dahoam” are happy: “finally, finally #More Joschi”

Adrian Bräunig solemnly announces the news about his new role on social media: “Now it’s official: today the first episode of did.official comes with me in the main cast “. He is especially proud of his own autograph cards, which he proudly posts on Instagram and which he likes to sign for his fans. They are enthusiastic. “I’m happy that there is finally, finally #MoreJoschi in Lansing!”, Writes a user. A fan thinks that his entry was “long overdue”. The acting colleagues are also happy for Adrian. Silke Popp, who lends the role of Uschi Kirchleitner face and voice in “Dahoam is Dahoam”, reacted with applause. Silke Franz, who took on a role in the cult series for a few episodes, is also happy for the young actor. (ale)

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