Daily Horoscope: January 13, 2022

The moon in air sign Gemini squares off with expansive Jupiter in Pisces at 4:24 AM—be careful not to over-indulge! Big feelings may arise. The moon connects with logical Mercury in Aquarius at 7:10 PM, inspiring communication and finding us paying close attention to details.

All times ET.


Today is all about communication as the moon moves through inquisitive air sign Gemini! Ask questions, dear Aries, and practice your listening skills. You can share or learn something meaningful today.


The moon in Gemini finds you focused on finances today, Taurus. It may be a good time to discuss your career plans or work out a budget as the moon mingles with detail-oriented Mercury.


The moon is in your sign today, Gemini! It’s a lovely time to focus on self love, especially as the moon mingles as your ruling planet Mercury, currently in fellow air sign Aquarius, encourages you to try something new and exciting!


The moon in Gemini encourages you to slow down and rest, dear Cancer. It’s a lovely time to connect with your intuition as the moon mingles with the planet of the mind, Mercury.


The moon in Gemini finds you in a chatty mood today, eager to socialize and connect with people. Communication can flow easily as the moon mingles with Mercury in your opposite sign Aquarius.


Your focus may be on your career today as the moon moves through Gemini. The moon connects with your ruling planet Mercury in Aquarius, which could bode well for your career, and for generally accomplishing your goals!


The moon moves through fellow air sign Gemini today, finding you in an adventurous mood! A playful, fun energy flows as the moon mingles with chatty Mercury in Aquarius.


The moon in Gemini may find you focused on money today, especially debts, taxes, or money you share with others. Conversations about your home or security could arise as the moon connects with Mercury in Aquarius.


The moon is in your opposite sign Gemini today, finding you focused on relationships. Clear communication can flow as the moon connects with Mercury in logical air sign Aquarius.


The moon in Gemini lights up the sector of your chart that rules your daily routine today, Capricorn. You’re getting organized, and perhaps having conversations about money, as the moon connects with Mercury in Aquarius.


The moon is in fellow air sign Gemini today, finding you in a fun and flirtatious mood! The moon mingles with Mercury, which is currently in your sign, finding you feeling especially talkative.


The moon in Gemini finds you in a reflective mood today, especially as it connects with Mercury in Aquarius. It’s a wonderful time to connect with your spirituality, to meditate and journal about your feelings and fantasies.

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