Dakar 2022: Nasser Al-Attiyah, penalized for not wearing seat belts correctly

The Qatari committed a safety infraction in stage 8, and has received the penalty after completing the ninth stage.

Nasser Al-Attiyah - etapa 9 - sancion - cinturones - dakar 2022 -...

Source: https://www.marca.com

Leader of the 2022 Dakar Rally , Nasser Al-Attiyah , is a little less leader tonight. Specifically, five minutes less . Those who have received a penalty for not wearing the seat belts and the HANS for one minute and 45 seconds during stage 8 .

The commissioners received a alert from a video posted on social networks in which it was observed how Al-Attiyah and Baumel immediately resumed walking after changing the wheel in a prick. Subsequent investigation by officers, reviewing the internal cameras of the Toyota Hilux assembling the vehicles, showed the violation.

ناصر العطية يحتاج فقط دقيقة و 17 ثانية لتغيير الإطار وسط المرحلة! 😱

ماشاء الله تبارك الله. # Dakar2022


– صدى الراليات | 🙅🏻‍♂️ (@sada_alralyat) January 10, 2022

«The cameras showed without any doubt that, immediately after getting into the vehicle, the pilot engaged the first gear and moved forward. The video even shows that the crew spent one minute and 45 seconds fastening their seat belts «, reads the resolution of the stewards who add that “for a short period of time the co-pilot held the steering wheel to allow the pilot to fasten his seatbelt”

Thus, the Qatari remains leader of the general and still with a notable advantage , but now is reduced to 34:05 minutes with respect to Loeb who, in turn, was saved yesterday from another penalty five minutes for losing one of his spare wheels during the special.

Again at the center of the controversy

With this action Al-Attiyah is once again at the center of the controversy , although this time with reliable evidence, after Sven Quandt , one of the top managers of the Audi team, hinted that the Qatari had additional information to the roadbook , which would have allowed him to overcome the difficulty of navigation hidden in the first stage.

Nasser Al-Attiyah - etapa 9 - sancion - cinturones - dakar 2022 - cinco minutos

Despite the sanction, Al-Attiyah remains solid leader of the Dakar 2022. Red Bull

In addition, Al-Attiyah already prowled the penalty in stage 2 , which his Toyota completed with the FIA ​​data logger (the system that records vehicle performance) disconnected . The Toyota was sanctioned with 5,000 euros fine and a disqualification suspended on condition that this situation does not recur.

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