Daniel Nosiglia's climb begins in the Dakar rally

The Bolivian motorcyclist climbed from position number 22 to 21 in the general classification after placing in position 25 in sixth stage run this Friday
Rainer Duran

Daniel Nosiglia is in command of a KTM motorcycle. Photo: Press Team Nosiglia

Daniel Nosiglia climbed a step on the general classification of the Dakar rally, that is run in Saudi Arabia. The Bolivian motorcyclist is in position number 21 in the general classification of his category, after having finished in step 25 in the sixth stage that was raced this Friday.

For the day it was planned to run 404 timed km and 216 km of link in Riyadh, but the organization decided make a cut and only 101 timed km were contested.

“The quad and motorcycle race comes to an end in the first neutralization of km 101. The deterioration of the track caused by the passage of cars and trucks yesterday and the recent heavy rains have made the route impractical. The classification of the sixth stage at km 101 will therefore be determined “, said the official statement of the organization.

For those 101 km, Nosiglia stopped the stopwatch at 59 minutes and 43 seconds. The stage was won by Australian Daniel Sanders (51’43 ”), followed by British Sam Sunderland (54’09”) and Austrian Matthias Walkner (54’19 ”), second and third, respectively.

In general, our compatriot accumulates a time of 21h16’27 ”. The overall winner in motorcycles is Sunderland so far (19h55’59 ”), second is Walkner (19h58’38”) and third gear the Sanders (20h01’34 ”).

This Saturday there will be a rest day in Riyadh, from where the ralli will continue on Sunday to Al-Dawadimi, with 402 km timed and 299 km of link.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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