Danny Trejo Is 55 Years Sober “By The Grace Of God”

Danny Trejo has reached a landmark on his path to sobriety. On Wednesday (Aug. 23) the actor revealed in a celebratory Instagram post that he has not used drugs or alcohol for over five decades.

“I’m 55 years clean and sober today by the grace of God!” wrote the 79-year-old.

He continued to encourage others, writing, “I’ve done this one day at a time, and for anyone out there struggling YOU CAN TOO!

The Desperado star has been open about his past struggles with substance abuse. His plight began at a very young age, as Trejo was only eight years old when he first smoked weed with an uncle. The California representative detailed his experiences to Variety in 2019. He began drinking alcohol before his teenage years and became hooked on heroin shortly thereafter. By the age of 15, Trejo had attended his first 12-step meeting.

“I honestly believe sobriety and being clean depends on your support system,” explained the Heat actor.

“You’ve got this system of people around you that want you to stay clean and sober. If I’m driving down the street and I’m with somebody clean and sober and I say, ‘God, man, I sure could go for a joint right now or a beer,’ this guy will say, ‘Hey, wait a minute… Let’s go to a meeting.’ … I surround myself with people that are clean and sober.”

Danny Trejo throwing baseball

Actor Danny Trejo throws out the first pitch prior to the game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Minnesota Twins at Dodger Stadium on May 16, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Katelyn Mulcahy/Getty Images

According to the outlet at the time, Trejo had not had a craving to drink or get high for decades.

“When I think about drugs… I think about having to shower with 50 men in prison. I don’t want to do that anymore. I don’t want somebody saying, ‘Hey, bend over and spread ’em.’ That’s what drugs mean to me,” he said.

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