Dare to urge the governor of Bangkok to relieve people's concerns Expedite draining to prevent flooding Ready to send a follow-up unit

“Kla Party” asks the Bangkok Governor Order officials to speed up the drainpipe to prevent flooding. Ready to send the real follow-up unit. Repeat, you need to hurry because people are very worried

today (3 Oct.) Mr. Ekachai Phongjit, secretary of the Bangkok Kla Party group, said that now the representatives of the Kla Party Field visits to meet people in many areas of Bangkok found that people are worried about the flood situation in many provinces in the central region. Afraid that the effect will continue to arrive in Bangkok soon, like the time in 2011, would like to ask the relevant agencies rush into the pipe In areas where repeated flooding or where the water waits to drain longer than usual including in the alleys, at risk points, as well as in preparation Accelerate the dredging of ditches Water in the cheeks of the monkeys To prevent flooding

Mr. Ekachai said that it rained for several hours. There are often floods in many places for a long time. cause inconvenience This makes the basic quality of life of people in Bangkok deteriorate. Lack of supervision request to be followed Check the actual job site that the staff has complied with the orders, policies or guidelines that have already been laid. whether it is about stripping pipes installation of the pump And there are staff at risk areas 24 hours a day, as given by the district office in every district. has set up a flood prevention center as well as the staff who answer the hotline phone as well to improve the quality of life of the people’s brothers and sisters relieved anxiety and will be more convenient,” said Mr. Ekachai

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