Daring maneuver – here a Boeing flies through Brisbane 🤯

Spectacular shots from Brisbane in Australia . A military transporter flies straight through the city’s apartment buildings. The occasion is the annual Brisbane River Fire Festival. The Boeing C-17 Globemaster is not the only aircraft flying through the city for the occasion.


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20 pictures of 9/11 that will stay in our heads forever

source: getty

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Britney Spears posts a Photoshop fail – but her excuse is quite funny

On Wednesday Britney Spears had won a great victory in court: The singer’s father was deposed as guardian after 13 years. For several years, the 39-year-old has been fighting against her father’s guardianship. However, Britney was not present at the last hearing. Instead, she went on vacation with her fiancé Sam Asghari.

There, Britney not only pampers herself, but also her fans – with revealing snapshots. Recently posted the…

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