David A. Fiensy Releases New Book

Top Quote Author David A. Fiensy is pleased to announce the release of his new book, The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians. End Quote

  • (1888PressRelease) October 06, 2021 – The Christian life is not walking the line … it is hitting the road…

    Fiensy focuses on Paul’s autobiographical references in his letters to the Galatians and Philippians to explore spirituality. Each chapter has:

    ?? A new translation of the verses being studied
    ?? The explanation and application of the verses to everyday life
    ?? Four discussion questions for group interaction
    ?? A section of additional information to go deeper into the scripture text

    This book will help you to:
    ?? See yourself in terms of your lifelong spiritual journey
    ?? Apply scripture’s truths to your everyday life
    ?? Deepen your appreciation of what it means to be a Jesus follower
    ?? Understand Paul as a source of not just theological truth but of spirituality as well

    The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.

    Book Information:
    The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians
    By David A. Fiensy
    Publisher: Crosslink Publishing
    Release Date: October 5, 2021
    ISBN: 978-1633573772
    ASIN: ‎B08XS7HVR3
    Pages: 308
    Genre: Christian Living

    About the Author:
    David A. Fiensy (Ph.D., Duke University) taught in colleges and churches for forty years. He is the author of fifteen previous works on the Bible and early Christianity.

    Website: https://www.davidafiensy.com
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dfiensy
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.fiensy/
    BookBuzz: http://bookbuzz.net/christian-living-the-journey-spiritual-growth-in-galatians-and-philippians-by-david-a-fiensy/

    Purchase Links
    https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-journey-spiritual-growth-in-galatians-and-philippians_david-fiensy /28371144/#edition=59152946&idiq=46019902
    https://www.christianbook.com/journey-spiritual-growth-galatians-and-philippians/9781633573772/pd/57 3777

    Christian Living, Religion, BookBuzz, The Journey, Spiritual Growth, Galatians,Philippians, David A. Fiensy, Crosslink Publishing

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