David Lynch Offers a Grim Forecast for Putin in Daily ‘Weather Report’: ‘What You Sow You Shall Reap’

David Lynch delivered an ominous forecast for Vladimir Putin in his daily YouTube “Weather Report” following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

While Lynch typically keeps the focus of his “Weather Report” on, well, the weather and stray quotidian thoughts, he does occasionally dips his toe into current events. But rarely does the director unleash a scorched-earth monolog like he did for his Feb. 25 dispatch. 

After noting it would start as a clear, albeit chilly day in Los Angeles, Lynch said he had been thinking of Ukraine and the 1994 Portishead song, “Roads.” He then began to give the forecast for the rest of the day, but after a long pause, stated, “I don’t know what the temperature will be this afternoon… If I could say something to Mr. President Putin, we are as human beings charged as to how we treat our fellow man. And there is a law of nature, a hard and fast law for which there are no loopholes and no escaping it, and this law is what you sow you shall reap. And right now Mr. Putin you are sowing death and destruction. It’s all on you.”

Lynch continued: “The Ukrainians didn’t attack your country. You went in and attacked their country. All this death and destruction is going to come back and visit you, and in this big picture we are involved in, there is an infinite amount of time, life after life after life, for you to reap what you are sowing.”

After imploring Putin to start “getting along with your neighbors” and “building friendships,” Lynch ended by saying, “Stop this attack. Let’s work together so all the countries of this world can come up in peace and get along with each other. Let’s solve the problems we’ve got together.”

While Lynch hasn’t directed a major project since his 2017 Showtime series, Twin Peaks: The Return, back in January 2020 he released a short film, What Did Jack Do?, in which he plays a hard-boiled cop interrogating a monkey suspected of murder (the project even spawned its own seven-inch single of music “sung” by the monkey). Last May, Lynch directed a music video for Donavan’s 2010 song, “I Am the Shaman,” which arrived on the folk musician’s 75th birthday.

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