Davido – AWAY

Davido Timeless Album
Davido – Timeless Album

Off his latest album, “Timeless,” Nigerian superstar Davido serves up a contagious single, “AWAY.”

AWAY” offers a glimpse into the singer’s id as he dissects pain, seeks healing, and comes to terms with his titanic profile.

The Magicsticks-produced song “AWAY,” was taken from Davido’s project, “Timeless,” which has taken over music charts in Nigeria and in the diaspora.

Across Timeless’s 17 tracks, Davido responds with an elder’s acceptance, prioritising soothing self-preservation over blinding euphoria and returning with songs that are as measured as they are assured of his success over whatever forces might arise against him.

TimelessDavido’s highly anticipated fourth album, follows a period of intensely personal losses and an extended retreat from the public eye after the tragic passing of his son in 2022.

Quotable Lyrics:

Away o
I’m on my way
To understand it
It’s Friday, Ibiza
Shey o mo way o, I’m on my way o
To understand it
It’s Friday, Ibiza

Away o
I’m on my way o
To understand it
It’s Friday, Ibiza
Shey o mo way o, I’m on my way o
To understand it
La and Friday o

Listen below:


Check out other songs from Davido on NaijaVibes:


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