Dax outlook: Chance of a year-end rally: Dax could rise to 16,000 points this year

Dax Mini rally towards 16,000 points? What is important for investors in the last trading week of the year

The indications from the markets from last week are good. But ultimately, after the Christmas holidays, one topic in particular determines the direction on the stock exchanges.

Der Dax sucht zum Jahresende seine Richtung. Quelle: dpa

Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The Dax is looking for its direction at the end of the year.

(Photo: dpa)

Frankfurt Some For weeks, two main topics dominated the world’s stock exchanges: the monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) and the new Corona variant Omikron. Recently, however, Omikron seems to have come to the fore, while no more news is to be expected from the central banks towards the end of the year.

In a relatively thin market, the stock exchanges closed the shortened pre-Christmas week with a small rally , in which stocks from the areas of travel and entertainment also performed well. This may also set the trend for the remaining days of the year. Then there could be a mini rally, which the Dax again over the mark of 16,000 points. Early on Monday morning, however, the leading German index was still slightly in the red at just under 15,720 points.

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