Dead Space remake directors join Battlefield development

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As Motive’s Iron Man project hits “major internal milestone”.

Battlefield artwork showing a soldier looking downwards, in front of a stormy sky.

Image credit: EA

A new team at EA’s Motive Studio will work alongside the Battlefield studios to create the next phase of the shooter franchise.

The team will be led by Dead Space remake directors Philippe Ducharme and Roman Campos-Oriola.

The news was shared in a new blog post from Motive general manager Patrick Klaus, who added development continues on the studio’s Iron Man project as it hits a “major internal milestone”.

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The new Motive team will be an addition to those at Criterion, DICE and Ripple Effect to “continue unlocking the full potential of Battlefield”. That will be across both multiplayer and single-player experiences.

Ducharme and Campos-Oriola’s “proven expertise in storytelling, immersive battles and developing on the Frostbite engine uniquely positions them to help advance the vision for Battlefield”.

As for Iron Man, Klaus shared: “The team made excellent progress this year, hitting a major internal milestone and laying a robust foundation for the journey ahead. Iron Man is an important priority for Motive, and I’m very proud of the work we’ve accomplished so far.”

EA confirmed an Iron Man single-player game was in development back in 2022. Little has been heard since, beyond Motive convening a “community council” for fans to give feedback during the development process.

With Ducharme and Campos-Oriola moving, though, it suggests there are no plans for a Dead Space 2 remake after the success of the first.

The future of Battlefield is uncertain, following the initial rocky launch of Battlefield 2042 in 2021. More recently, Need for Speed studio Criterion joined Battlefield development in September last year, while in February this year EA closed Ridgeline Games which had been working on a narrative-led Battlefield campaign.

Former lead of the Ridgeline project Marcus Lehto said he doesn’t have “anything positive to say about EA” after leaving the company on his own accord ahead of its closure.

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