The editorial
The danger, as far as Italy is concerned, is to find ourselves in a short time with a large number of companies and entire non-market supply chains. Today on the Sole 24 Ore a three-page special
by Fabio Tamburini
2 ‘of reading
Until a few days ago, general attention was focused on the (rather troubled) approval of the law Budget for 2022 and the need to give a (decisive) push to the application of the NRP, which is the real test for the Government. Now there is a risk that the dominant, even exclusive, interest will become the appointment of the President of the Republic. Indeed, unfortunately it is far from an eventuality. The entire world of parties, in fact, is concentrated on the game that has the future of the Quirinale at stake, to which the fate of the executive is connected.
The certainty is that there is a lack of attention to a mortal danger for the country: expensive energy, which companies are dealing with and which families will have to deal with, starting from the bills in the coming months. Here you need to be careful. Of course, those who will suffer the most are the production sectors, large users of energy, but the problem concerns all companies, forced to review their costs, recording stellar increases. In summary, compared to January of last year, they have to bear the doubling of energy costs, as explained by one of the articles of the Sole 24 Ore on newsstands today, which addresses the subject by dedicating three pages to it. This means that entire production chains will enter into increasing difficulties, with the possibility that they will become dramatic in a few months.
A second certainty is that structural interventions serve as an antidote, not just hot panels such as aid. to families or businesses themselves to counter the high bills. Such choices only give temporary relief, leaving the underlying problems unresolved. Which means throwing handfuls of billions into a chasm. The need, first of all, is to remedy a fundamental lack: the non-existence of a European policy in defense of the manufacturing industry of all countries, regardless of their sources of supply.
The situation in Europe is diversified, with France maintaining a strong presence in nuclear power. A source of energy production that experiences three moments: the high investments in the construction of power plants, the production of low-cost energy, the dismantling of plants and the disposal of nuclear waste. It is clear that it would be unacceptable, and contrary to European rules on state aid to companies, to calculate the actual cost of nuclear energy by putting the investments relating to the first and third steps at the expense of the state.
Immediate interventions are needed. The danger, as far as Italy is concerned, is to find itself in a short time with a large number of companies and entire supply chains out of the market. Which means, among other things, the loss of the second position in the ranking of European manufacturing industries. France, who are currently in third place, are ready to seize the moment and give the push. To the detriment of the German industry, first in the ranking but equally suffering. So much so that leading exponents of the entrepreneurs of that country are ready to question even the location of their plants, ready to transfer them where energy costs less.
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