Demon's Souls: When a Remake Justifies Its Existence

Since the eighth generation of consoles we have seen a flurry of game remasters, remakes and re-releases. For some, this trend is nothing more than a way for companies to empty our pockets, but what about when a new version of a title manages to go further? And when this redesign serves as a way for more people to get to know a work? Well, that’s what would be happening with Demon’s Souls.

Demon’s SoulsDemon’s Souls

Credit: Disclosure/Bluepoint Games

When talking about Souls-like games, the first thing that comes to mind for many people is the Dark Souls series, which FromSoftware released in 2011 in conjunction with Namco Bandai. However, the truth is that the style started a few years before, with a title created exclusively for the PlayStation 3 and that gradually won the public.

Loved by many of those who played it, the problem is that due to the lack of backward compatibility with Sony’s old console, there was no other way to play that pearl other than on the original platform. This has fans clamoring for a re-release, but as the franchise’s creator stated that would hardly be involved in such a project, it remained to hope that the task would be given to another company.

Because this happened through Bluepoint Games, a studio that dedicated itself to recreating a great game that was stuck in the PS3 library. In fact, the result achieved by them was so good, that in an interview with Edge magazine Hidetaka Miyazaki praised Demon’s Souls released for PlayStation 5.

For starters, the game designer admitted that his team was never really focused on delivering visually stunning games, but that seeing what the folks at Bluepoint Games had done with this remake, the pressure on the Elden Ring has increased considerably. According to Miyazaki, the professionals responsible for the graphics and programming of his new game have been working hard to deliver the most beautiful game possible and this is directly linked to what was seen in the new Demon’s Souls.

Credit: Disclosure/Bluepoint Games

However, it was when asked about the reason for not having played the title that helped to develop and that leveraged his career that the Japanese made the comments that I consider most interesting. According to him, playing what he created in the past is not something that gives him pleasure and the reason is that it brings “ a lot of old emotions, a lot of old memories and it becomes a little oppressive.

Still, Hidetaka Miyazaki took the opportunity to defend the remake of Demon’s Souls, which leads us to the reason why the existence of this new version is So important. He said:

“So I don’t I played the Demon’s remake, but I’m really glad to see it got this new look, these new current-gen graphics.

He’s an old game, so seeing it being remade this way and having new players playing it is something that obviously makes me very happy. It was a difficult game in its day, with relatively difficult development, so I was looking forward to new players not enjoying it in the same way. That was a cause for concern for me when it was being re-released, but you know, at the end of the day, I’m just happy to see the reaction and the joy to see people enjoying it.

Something really funny was seeing Bluepoint Games bringing things that we didn’t consider and approaching certain elements of the game, its visuals and its mechanics, in a way that we couldn’t or didn’t do at that time. So to see them researching and applying these new thought processes and techniques, that was really exciting and interesting for me.”

There are a lot of games I would love to revisit with more modern graphics and mechanics, but I believe the main virtue of remakes is in the way they can open the doors to a new generation of fans. Yes, a game released for the PS3 may not even be very dated when it comes to graphics, but in the case of Demon’s Souls, the problem lies in the exclusivity and the consequent difficulty in having access to the titles released for that console.

Let’s take as an example Final Fantasy VII. As much as many people point out this as the best chapter of the franchise, it is undeniable that facing its original version is currently not a task for anyone. Whether for the graphics that remind us of the beginning of the use of polygons, or for the battle and progression system itself, which can be considered a bit boring nowadays, that game does not hide its advanced age.

If we compare this RPG with what Square Enix managed to deliver with Final Fantasy VII Remake, the difference is glaring and as much as someone didn’t like the result, I consider the how much more accessible (in all respects) the title has become.

Credit: Disclosure/Bluepoint Games

Regarding this “new” Demon’s Souls, I agree with Hidetaka Miyazaki in relation to everything he said. In addition to never having been so visually rewarding to explore Boletaria, it’s great to see new people having the opportunity to get to know the title that started a franchise they might have fallen in love with a few years later, with the series Dark Souls .

Alright, we’re still talking about an exclusive and due to the difficulty of people finding a PS5 in stores, I’m sure many are still just in the mood to face this remake. However, as Sony has been a little more flexible with their exclusives lately, I think it will only be a matter of time before Demon’s Souls shows up on PC and if that’s a day happens and you have access to it this way, remember to say thank you that the creation of this remake has been given the green light.

Source: Video Games Chronicle

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