Deputy Governor of Tanumah inaugurates a workshop on “Agricultural Practices for Pomegranate Trees”

As part of the activity of the agricultural extension convoy in the Asir region

the Deputy Governor of Tanomah, Nasser bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shehri”, Thursday, a workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture within the activity of the agricultural extension convoy in the Asir region represented by the Office of Environment, Water and Agriculture in Tanouma Governorate. A workshop entitled “Sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees” was carried out at the farm of citizen Abdul Rahman Saeed Al-Shehri, and Dr. “Radwan Al-Yaqti” welcomed the attendees and spoke about sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees. The attendees then moved to the field area for practical application with the presence of farmers, then the director of the Water, Environment and Agriculture Office in Batnamah, “Fayez bin Fahd Al-Shehri” presented memorial shields to the owner of the farm and some media agencies.

Governor Agent Tanomah inaugurates a workshop on “Agricultural Practices for Pomegranate Trees”

Sabq electronic newspaper Previously 08-10-21

The Undersecretary of the Governor of Tanomah, “Nasser bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shehri”, inaugurated, on Thursday, the workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture within the activity of the agricultural extension convoy in the Asir region represented by the Office of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the governorate of Tanomah. In detail, a workshop entitled “Sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees” was carried out at the farm of the citizen Abdul Rahman Saeed Al-Shehri, and Dr. “Radwan Al-Yaqti” welcomed the attendees and spoke about sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees.

The attendees then moved to the field area for practical application in the presence of farmers, then the director of the Water, Environment and Agriculture Office in Batnamah, “Fayez bin Fahd Al-Shehri” presented memorial shields to the owner of the farm and some media outlets.

October 08, 2021 – Rabi` Al-Awwal 2 1443

01:28 AM

within the activity of the agricultural extension convoy in the Asir region

The Deputy Governor of Tanomah, “Nasser bin Abdulrahman Al-Shehri”, inaugurated, Thursday, the workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture within the activity of the agricultural extension convoy in the Asir region represented by the Office of Environment, Water and Agriculture

In detail, a workshop entitled “Sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees” was carried out at the farm of Abdul Rahman Saeed Al-Shehri, and Dr. Radwan Al-Yaqti welcomed He attended and talked about sound agricultural practices on pomegranate trees.

The attendees then moved to the field area for practical application in the presence of farmers, then the Director of the Water, Environment and Agriculture Office in Batnumah presented Fayez bin Fahd Al-Shehri, “Souvenir shields for the owner of the farm and some of the media.

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