Description of Flavio from Giresunspor

Giresunspor’dan Flavio açıklamasıGiresunspor’dan Flavio açıklamasıGiresunspor’dan Flavio açıklaması

In the continuation of the explanation; “Our sister club Trabzonspor has neither such a desire nor a demand. Our player, Flavio, whose performance we are very pleased with both on and off the field, will continue to wear Giresunspor jersey until the end of the season. We would like it to be known to the public that the purposeful news made by those who want to harm our Giresunspor are carefully followed by our club. We wish that this type of news with a clear purpose should not be respected, and we leave the appreciation of these purposefully untrue news to the Giresunspor community.”

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