Deutsche Bank – Sees 4 interest rate hikes by the Fed

The Federal Reserve could potentially raise interest rates at almost every 2022 meeting, Deutsche Bank analysts say, underscoring the fact that the Federal Reserve’s policy makers ‘s

Like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank economists expect four increases in 2022, starting in March

They also forecast a reduction in the Fed balance sheet of more than $ 8 trillion starting in the third quarter or after two interest rate hikes.

The Fed is late

It is noteworthy that they write that “if the economic conditions tighten significantly, the seven meetings from March to the end of 2022 are now potentially in the game

Economists increasingly agree that the central bank has waited too long to tackle persistent inflation – crippled by a more flexible approach to price increases.

Now, policymakers are trying to move towards what some call a “double” tightening, lowering their balance sheets and raising their interest rate target from their current level of between 0% and 0, 25%.

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