Diddy’s Children Are Speaking Out Against False Rumors About Their Late Mother, Kim Porter

Amid Sean “Diddy” Combs’s arrest on charges of sex trafficking and racketeering, the internet has proliferated with conspiracy theories and rumors. Four of Diddy’s children—Quincy Brown, Christian Combs, and twins Jessie and D’Lila Combs—have now issued a joint statement refuting the ones specifically having to do with their mother, Kim Porter.

The statement, posted to each of their Instagram grids, begins, “We have seen so many hurtful and false rumors circulating about our parents, Kim Porter and Sean Combs’s relationship, as well as about our mom’s tragic passing, that we feel the need to speak out.”

Addressing the claim that a self-published “memoir” was written by Porter before her death in 2018, the Combs children write, “Claims that our mom wrote a book are simply untrue. She did not, and anyone claiming to have a manuscript is misrepresenting themselves.” The salacious details in the book, purportedly taken from Porter’s diary, have fueled many of the conspiracy theories around Combs. However, its filled with factual inaccuracies and the man behind its publishing can’t guarantee its authenticity.

“Please understand that any so-called ‘friends’ speaking on behalf of our mom or her family is not a friend. Nor do they have her best interests at heart,” the statement continues.

The statement also reiterated that there was no foul play involved in Porter’s death. “While it is incredibly difficult to reconcile how she could be taken from us too soon, the cause of her death has long been established,” the statement says. Porter died of lobar pneumonia, per the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner, in 2018 at the age of 47.

Diddy’s children concluded their statement with a plea for respect for their mother’s memory. “We are deeply saddened that the world has made a spectacle of what has been the most tragic event of our lives,” they write. “Our mother should be remembered for the beautiful, strong, kind, and loving woman she was.”

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