Died in ambulance, resurrected in hospital

Demet Kaçan (29) who was shot with a shotgun and died after the argument between the two families due to the ‘child fight’ in Karşıyaka district of İzmir turned into an armed fight, as a result of the intense efforts of the doctors. Turns out he was brought back to life. It was learned that Kaçan, whose condition was severe, was connected to the device.


20:21 – 03 October 2021

Ambulansta öldü, hastanede dirildi

The incident occurred yesterday at around 19.30 in Ornekkoy Neighborhood 7514 Street. Allegedly, an argument broke out between SZ and Demet Kaçan on the grounds that their children were fighting in the street.


Growing in a short time Members of both families were also involved in the discussion. During the discussion, SZ’s wife, KZ, went to the balcony of the house and opened fire with a shotgun. In the incident, Demet Kaçan, Serdar Kaçan (35), Gamze Kaçan (32) and Niyazi Gümüşsoy were injured by pellets, while KZ and Şahin Kaçan (31) were injured as a result of beating.

A number of health and police officers at the scene upon the notification team was dispatched. Demet Kaçan and Şahin Kaçan, who were seriously injured in the incident, were taken to a private hospital after their first intervention by the medical teams, and the other injured were taken to Çiğli Regional Research Hospital.


It was stated that Kaçan, whose heart stopped on the way to the hospital and was alleged to have died, was brought back to life at the hospital with the intense efforts of the doctors. It was reported that Kaçan was connected to the device.

Within the scope of the investigation initiated regarding the incident, KZ and his brother İ.Z, who were detained together with the crime weapon, are being questioned by the Public Security He was taken to the Murder Bureau of the Branch Directorate. It has been learned that the investigation initiated regarding the incident is continuing.


New details have also emerged regarding the incident. It was learned that there was hostility between the two families, and there were arguments and fights between the parties from time to time. DHA

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