Directors offer a 5-day longer interim vacation

“These six days will help students, teachers and parents to rest. This will be a kind of quarantine, because students and teachers will keep their distance from each other. This time, however, it will be a real holiday for them, because this is not the case within the framework of e-learning, “explained the chairman of the union Diyan Stamatov. In this way, they will be able to start the second school term normally.

In order for the 6-day vacation to be possible, three of the working days should be declared non-school days. These are 28 (Friday) and 31 January (Monday) and 2 January (Wednesday). The first of February (Tuesday) is already included in the MES calendar as an interim vacation. January 29 and 30 are Saturday and Sunday. Stamatov added that the days can be distributed in another way, but according to him it is not good for students to rest more than a week. Otherwise, they would lose learning training.

The good news for students and teachers is that the idea of ​​a longer vacation now should not harm spring students. “We will offer an extended special vacation without taking days from other non-school students,” said Stamatov.

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