Discuss the evacuation of the crew of the shipwreck due to worsening weather

The crisis headquarters set up to coordinate the action of unloading and retrieving the ship stranded near Kamen Bryag is discussing two options for evacuating the crew, as the weather is expected to get worse.

“Since 2012, I have been participating in round tables on these issues and we have always paid attention and the final documents have always included a requirement – the relevant authorities, the state to make specific scenarios for the various incidents that may occur on our coast. Perhaps this plan needs to be updated and detailed with the available forces and resources and to provide, above all, a budget in emergency situations, because no owner of such a device will go to take certain actions without being sure that he will recover his funds. “, commented for BNT c.d.p. Dimitar Dimitrov – President of the European Confederation of Sea Captains.

See also the inclusion of Peter Doikinski.

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