Djokovic ‘pleased and grateful’ after judge rules he can stay in Australia | TheHill

Tennis star Novak Djokovic on Monday said he is “pleased and grateful” that a judge ruled that he can remain in Australia after his visa was overturned last week.

“I’m pleased and grateful that the Judge overturned my visa cancellation,” Djokovic wrote in a tweet hours after a judge ruled that he can remain in Australia.

“For now I cannot say more but THANK YOU all for standing with me through all this and encouraging me to stay strong,” he added in a separate tweet.

For now I cannot say more but THANK YOU all for standing with me through all this and encouraging me to stay strong

— Novak Djokovic (@DjokerNole) January 10, 2022

Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly ordered the Australian government on Monday to free Djokovic from a hotel in in Melbourne where he had been quarantining for the previous four nights. 

Djokovic was stopped by border police on Jan. 5 when he arrived in Australia. His passport was also seized.

The tennis star said he was exempt from being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 — a requirement for all noncitizens entering Australia — because he tested positive for the virus in December and has since recovered. Officials, however, went ahead and canceled his visa, asserting that he did not present valid evidence to enter Australia.

The judge on Monday ruled that Djokovic was not given enough time to talk to his lawyers before his visa was revoked. Kelly said that if he were given roughly an hour longer “he could have consulted others and made submissions to the delegate about why his visa should not be canceled.”

Government lawyer Christopher Tran said Australia’s immigration minister “will consider whether to exercise a personal power of cancellation,” according to The Associated Press, which could jeopardize Djokovic’s opportunity to play at the Australian Open, scheduled to start on Jan. 17.

Djokovic on Monday said “Despite all that has happened, I want to stay and try to compete” in the Australian Open.

“I remain focused on that. I flew here to play at one of the most important events we have in front of the amazing fans,” he added in a tweet.

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