Djokovic's saga in Melbourne – the second topic in terms of representation in news programs

Data from the Agency for Monitoring and Analysis of Media Content “Kliping” show that the three most common topics in the news announcements are central news programs of national frequency television (RTS 1, TV B92, TV Prva, TV Pink and Happy TV) and regional cable TV N1 – corona virus in Serbia (12.88%), saga with the departure of Novak Djokovic to Australia (10.23%) and the disappearance of a young man from Split in Belgrade (8.33%).

During the monitored period (January 3-9, 2022), news announcements most often included topics from the section on society (33.33%), followed by sports (23.11%), chronicles (10.98%), and the world. 10.61%), politics (9.85%), region (8.71%), economy (3.03%) and culture (0.38%).

Crown virus in Serbia was the number one topic last week as well. The new strain of omicron, which, according to media reports, brought a large number of newly infected people, includes crowds in front of covid clinics and health centers across the country.

Christmas celebration and Christmas message of Patriarch Porphyry prayer in a time full of fear and unrest in which we celebrate the happiest Christian holiday, was the second most common topic in the section of society (7.20%).

In the sports segment (23.11%), the situation dominates in which the world’s first racket was found, Novak Djokovic – from the announcement that he left for Melbourne with medical exemption, all the way to being detained at the airport, visa waiver, protests of fans and fans to the scheduled trial.

for the missing citizen of Split, Matej Periš, which is still ongoing, is a topic that stands out from the chronicle segment (8.33%). This news shook the whole region, and the media reported new information about this case on a daily basis.

Đokovićeva saga u Melburnu - druga tema po zastupljenosti u informativnim emisijama 2

) In the section World riots in Kazakhstan (5.68%), which erupted due to the increase in the price of liquefied gas, continued protests, and developed into armed conflict and a declaration of state of emergency.

This topic suppressed information on the spread of coronavirus in the world (3.03%). The latest news from the world about COVID-19 is about the appearance of the twin epidemic – flurone (corona and seasonal flu), as well as the new strain discovered in Cyprus – deltacron.

Politics news is in fourth place (9 , 85%). Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and her position on previous agreements with Rio Tinto stand out as a topic (2.27%), followed by the news of the presentation of the “cornet”, an anti-tank system, which the President said was currently the best anti-armor weapons in the world (1.89%).

In the news from the region, the events in the Republika Srpska stand out because the United States expanded sanctions against Milorad Dodik due to corruption and threats to the stability of BiH. Also, on January 9, Republika Srpska marked its 30th anniversary with a series of events.

Economy (3.03%) and culture (0.38%) are sections that were the least in the analyzed period

From the topics in the field of economy, financial aid was announced for young people from sixteen to twenty-nine, and from cultural news, the media reported on the appearance of Serbian representatives at the EXPO in Dubai 0.38%).

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