Do you know about computer vision syndrome?

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

In a word, eye problems caused by using digital devices long term known as computer vision syndrome – aka digital eye strain.

Whether for work or for recreation, the injuries caused for the eye remains the same, according to Timesnownews.

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Whether for work or leisure, the damage caused to the eyes is the same


By page Timesnownews, common risk factors for this condition include:

The device usage time is too long

Eyes need to wear glasses

Bad posture and incorrect viewing angle or distance

Uncomfortable environment and poor lighting or screen glare

Previous eye disease

What are the symptoms?

While keeping the above risk factors in mind, be on the lookout for symptoms including: Headache , back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, dry eyes, eye fatigue or strain, double or blurred vision, red eyes, watery eyes, itchy eyes, according to Timesnownews.

The diagnosis of computer vision syndrome includes analysis of the user’s time schedule of device use and life habits, physical fitness and control Check your eyes carefully.


Eye care tips to avoid computer vision syndrome

Here are some things you can do to protect your eyes from digital terror:

Don’t forget to blink: One people blink 66% less when using digital screens. Not blinking regularly can cause eyes to dry, there is a risk of eye irritation and redness . Remember to blink and keep your eyes moist.

Eye exercises: Eye exercises can greatly contribute to reducing eye strain and soothing eyes. Don’t forget to rest and breathe.

Improve enviroment: A healthy environment can significantly reduce the risk of eye strain. Pay attention to sufficient lighting and eliminate screen glare. May close windows and blinds, use low-wattage light bulbs, and use filters, screens, and anti-glare software.

Note on posture: Posture is the main determinant of health overall. Poor posture can increase the risk of strain and eye damage when using digital screens. Sit in a well-cushioned chair in a proper position, with your back straight, thighs parallel to the floor, hands supported and feet flat on the floor.

The screen should be 50 – 70 cm away and 10 -12 cm below eye level. Tilting the screen back about 10 to 20 degrees is better, according to Timesnownews.

Attention to health: Wearing glasses incorrectly, ignoring uncomfortable symptoms and not having regular eye exams can cause further damage to the eyes.

Remember to always consult your ophthalmologist and only Wear appropriate eyeglasses as prescribed by your doctor.

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