Doctors can easily engage in high-risk medical procedures official attention

[Ming Pao News] This case is the second manslaughter of the person in charge of medical cosmetology and treatment after the accident of the DR medical cosmetology group. case. The “Private Medical Institutions Ordinance” was gazetted after this case. Day medical centers that regulate procedures such as liposuction must be licensed, and the medical administrative director who is a doctor must bear legal responsibility. Judge Li Sulan said after his sentence yesterday that this case is a typical example, showing that Hong Kong not only needs to supervise private medical institutions, but also pay attention to doctors who are trusted by the public who can easily engage in high-risk medical procedures.

In the DR case, Yunling Mai, the doctor in charge of CIK treatment, was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. Laboratory technician Chen Guanzhong and the founder of the group Zhou Xiangrong were sentenced to 10 years and 12 years respectively. Guan Xiaozi, who was sentenced to 6 years in prison in this case, is the third doctor to be imprisoned for a medical cosmetic accident after Mai Yunling and Zhou Xiangrong.

No qualification certificate did not reveal the identity of “Master”

Officer: Extremely uneasy The training or qualification certificates did not disclose the identity of the “Master” and the place of training, which made the court extremely disturbed.

Li Guan quoted a report from Mainland Phoebe-Anne, an expert witness for the prosecution and associate professor of the School of Medicine of CUHK, saying that even with adequate medical equipment, individual doctors lack a sense of responsibility for taking care of patients , More likely to cause death of the patient. Li Guan said that fortunately, there are not many similar medical accidents in Hong Kong, but one death is one too many in a situation like this. Li Guan emphasized that Hong Kong must maintain consistent medical industry standards to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again.

Official: “One case is too much”

legislation for fatal medical accidents Conference member Mai Meijuan said that the DR beauty needle and the liposuction accident in this case are two heart-wrenching tragedies that have caused casualties and broken families. She hopes that sentencing can serve as a deterrent and prevent similar incidents from happening again. The government should also strengthen regulation and law enforcement.

Related words: Manslaughter Regulations on Private Medical Institutions Liposuction Medical cosmetic accident

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