Does Everton have a possible replacement for Yerry Mina in Harry Souttar?

Harry Souttar

© Sportreport

When looking for a sporting reinforcement for the coming season, FC Everton should keep an eye on Harry Souttar of Stoke City . The 22-year-old could therefore succeed Yerry Mina, who will probably leave the club. At least when it comes to a media report.

As the “Sun” reports, the Colombian should be drawn to the Italian Serie A next season. A replacement seems to be provided. Everton coach Duncan Ferguson is said to be watching Harry Souttar personally. A change of the central defender in the summer would be “quite realistic”. There is currently no official confirmation for this media report.

From a purely contractual point of view, Harry Souttar is bound to the championship team Stoke City until the summer of 2025. Its market value is estimated at just under five million euros. In the current season, the central defender has played eleven competitive games so far. He contributed a goal.


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