Does the RKI boss still have his shop under control? -Chaos

Does the RKI boss still have his shop under control? | Already WIELER
Numbers chaos

Head of the Robert Koch Institute, Prof. Lothar Wieler (60)Foto: OMER MESSINGER/AFP

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Head of the Robert Koch Institute, Prof. Lothar Wieler (60) Photo: OMER MESSINGER / AFP

Article from: T. REICHEL, P. TIEDE and H.-J. VEHLEWALD published on

He likes to act as a lonely warning in the Corona desert: Robert Koch Institute head Prof. Lothar Wieler (60).

The master of the scientific data acts increasingly politically, admonishes, warns. Calls for ever tougher corona restrictions – and is now getting on the politicians’ side.

Because: Wieler doesn’t always have his own shop under control!

Latest example: Because being Robert Koch Institute exchanged numbers at the end of December, the impression arose that Omikron hits vaccinated people disproportionately compared to unvaccinated people – a hit for corona deniers. The Robert Koch Institute had failed to update the number of unvaccinated Omikron infected people in the previous week: instead of “1097 unvaccinated” there was only “186”.

The conspiracy theorists cheered on the net!

“RKI shows that 95% of those infected with Omikron make up those who are vaccinated”, according to one of the thousands of tweets: “That means once again that the vaccination is not justified!” -Data forced “questions that I prefer not to ask here because of the censorship”.

Vaccination advocates and politicians found themselves in need of explanation in view of Wieler’s salad of numbers.

And what did the RKI do? Quietly corrected the numbers in the weekly report on the homepage – without any public explanation or apology!

In response to a BILD request, Wielers Institute stated that the matter would be taken up again in the next weekly report …

But Wieler himself knows how violently his chair wobbles after all the mishaps and embarrassments that he will face in two years of pandemic

The RKI boss …

► … rejected in-house plans to collect incidences, which (as in England) a representative group of test persons regularly investigated in order to avoid data blind flights like now at the beginning of the year.

► … snubbed his then to Minister Spahn at his last press conference with an embarrassing minute’s silence.

► … lamented in the media that his position as Corona Cassandra was “depressing” and “difficult to bear”. Politicians maneuver “with sight” into chaos. Wieler: “I can’t take it anymore.”

Politicians are no different with him !

► “Such a data chaos” confuses those willing to vaccinate, “unsettles those vaccinated and fires them up Unconventional thinker “, complains Hamburg’s CDU boss Christoph Ploß (36):” If numerical errors are made, you shouldn’t hide them clandestinely on a website, you have to correct them aggressively and transparently. “

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