Does the syringe in the NBA go through the hoop?

While the United States is the country with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world, more than 70,000,000 infected, and more than 860,000 deaths as of January 23, the NBA (National Association of Basketball) allowed players who refused to be vaccinated to participate in this year’s league.

In a sport where the risk of contagion is high, because physical contact is very strong –in addition to being the tournament of the highest quality among those of its kind in the world–, its referees and most of the personnel participating in the fair were obliged to be vaccinated, while the basketball players were free to get the injection or not.

According to the American site ESPN, for the event, given the refusal of the players’ union to make firm the decision that all athletes be vaccinated, instead they proposed several measures, such as using separate lockers within the collective of the same team where there were athletes immunized and others not; also eat, fly or travel in different sections of buses and planes. Despite the sad situation in the country, these protocols led to a heated discussion, so that 85% of the players injected themselves. And the missing 15%, what?

As a result of the pressure, the unvaccinated played this season, although they had to be evaluated daily during training days, trips and for matches. The website adds that Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz applauded the decision of Kirie Irving, of the Brookyn Nets, to refuse to put his shoulder to get vaccinated. It would be strange if both had not given their delusional support for such a reactionary decision.

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