Doja Cat pulls out of BRIT Awards performance

Doja Cat has pulled out of her performance at the BRIT Awards due to Covid-19 cases amongst her crew.

The Kiss Me More singer was due to take to the stage at London’s O2 Arena on 8 February alongside Ed Sheeran, Little Simz, Liam Gallagher, Dave, and BRITs Rising Star winner Holly Humberstone.

However, on Monday, she announced that several positive Covid-19 results within her team have prevented them from rehearsing.

“Unfortunately due to cases of Covid within my crew, I will no longer be performing at the BRITs,” she announced on Twitter. “My team and I have been in rehearsals for weeks and despite taking the utmost caution, numerous members of my crew (both on and off stage) have tested positive for Covid.

“It’s simply not safe for us to continue to rehearse together and put each other in harm’s way. I can’t wait to perform for my UK fans as soon as I can. Take care of yourselves.”

Representatives for the awards show retweeted the Say So star’s post but are yet to reveal her replacement.

It is unclear if Doja will still be attending the ceremony, as she is nominated for International Artist of the Year and International Song of the Year for Kiss Me More.

The 2022 BRIT Awards will be hosted by Mo Gilligan, with red carpet reporting from Clara Amfo and Maya Jama.

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