Dominika Gottová: I am defending lies about returning to the Czech Republic! It will be different!

Recently, Dominika Gottová has been talking again about returning to the Czech Republic, but there are a lot of ambiguities surrounding this. She herself decided to say what was true and what was not.

Dominika Gott makes no secret of the fact that life does not go exactly as she intended after her return to Finland. It has even been said that one of the options is to return to one’s home country. However, she was absent from Monday’s premiere of the film Karel, although it is said that her participation was rumored. “It’s not true, I’m not in the Czech Republic,” she also told

Jan Musil

“Even if I was invited to the premiere, I wouldn’t come because I was cheated on the film and I was filmed without my knowledge during my last meeting with my father in the summer of 2019,” she explained immediately. However, it does not change the fact that he is really coming here soon. “I will arrive in the Czech Republic in mid-October and, of course, I will honor my father’s memory at the grave in Malvazinky,” Gottová added.
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