Donald Trump donates canned beans and ‘Trump Water’ to East Palestine residents

Donald Trump
Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., November 4, 2020. Photo: Reuters / CARLOS BARRIA

Former US President Donald Trump paid a visit to East Palestine, Ohio, on Wednesday, almost three weeks after the train crash that led to the release of toxic chemicals into the air, water, and ground.

The train crash took place on February 3 after a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in the area. Thousands of residents had to be evacuated as the chemicals had to be released to prevent a massive explosion after a fire erupted in the derailed cars.

Trump is on the ground in Ohio forcing the federal govt to act. Joe Biden is in Ukraine spending your taxpayer dollars to make the military industrial complex rich & making corrupt Ukrainian officials richer, & transportation sect Mayor Pete can’t be bothered yet… 19 days later.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 22, 2023

The residents returned to their homes two weeks ago, but they have concerns about the quality of the water, air, and soil in the area, per The Independent.

Trumpwho is running for president in the 2024 election, donated canned beans and “Trump water” to help aid the relief efforts currently underway in the town. “We’re bringing thousands of bottles of water, Trump Water actually, most of it,” he said in a speech.

“Some of it we had to go to a much lesser quality water. You want to get those Trump bottles, I think, more than anybody else,” he added.

Social media users were left perplexed as to what he meant when he said “Trump water.” Some even mocked him as his brand of bottled spring water called Trump Ice Natural Spring Water, had shut down operations in 2010.

At a press conference, he pledged to donate thousands of bottles of cleaning supplies, as well as Trump-branded water bottles. He also came down heavily on the Joe Biden administration, accusing it of not doing enough for the people of the town.

Trump accused President Biden of “great betrayal” and failing to mount a robust response. The Biden administration hit back at Trump, pointing out how his administration rolled back several safety and environmental regulations meant for trains carrying hazardous materials.

“Congressional Republicans and former Trump administration officials owe East Palestine an apology for selling them out to rail industry lobbyists when they dismantled Obama-Biden rail safety protections,” said White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates.

Trump had rolled back regulatory standards that required such trains to have more sophisticated brake systems. Social media users also pointed out the fact and slammed him for not doing enough when he was in power.

“Donald Trump spent four years demolishing rail safety protections at the expense of the health and safety of average Americans. His trip to East Palestine, Ohio today is purely political theatre and a sad attempt to mask his failures as a President. We won’t let him,” wrote The Lincoln Project on Twitter.

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