New Scientist’s weekly round-up of the best books, films, TV series, games and more that you shouldn’t miss
13 April 2022
Don’t Adjust Your Mindset by artist Pete McKee welcomes you to a futuristic Great(ish) Britain of lockdown, climate change and digital dependence. Running from 22 April at London’s Hoxton Arches.
Russian Doll returns to Netflix on 20 April for a second season. The highly successful series stars co-creator Natasha Lyonne as Nadia, a woman facing an unusual existential crisis: she is trapped in a time loop on a subway train in Manhattan.
The Sloth Lemur’s Song haunts Alison Richards’s account, fuelled by more than 50 years of research, of Madagascar’s deep past and uncertain present. This island microcosm is a bellwether for the whole planet.
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