“Don't use a ruler to measure everything” (Micro Lens·General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Central Talent Work Conference)

Time: September 27, 2021

Event: Central Talent Work Conference

Three months ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, cordially talked with the astronauts of Shenzhou XII. At that time, the post-80s and post-90s who escorted this “dialog between heaven and earth” also “fired” out of the circle, allowing people to see the vigorous power of the young generation. At the Central Talent Work Conference, the general secretary remembered this detail: “Most of them are young people, 30 or 40 years old, but they are all responsible for important positions.”

“Create a grand scale “Team of young scientific and technological talents”, as the voice of the times, has become a must-answer question on the road to national rejuvenation. General Secretary Xi Jinping instructed: “The policy of cultivating national strategic talents must be focused on young scientific and technological talents, giving young talents more trust, better help, and stronger support, and supporting young talents to take the lead and play the leading role.”

Trust, help, and support, these are for young people who are struggling with “professional title review, project declaration, and “hat” competition”, and for young people who are struggling with “salaries, housing, and children’s schooling”. Important. The general secretary is concerned about their worries: “We must pay attention to solving the practical difficulties faced by young science and technology talents, so that young science and technology talents can settle down, feel at ease, and work safely.”

“For a long time, some departments and units have been accustomed to Talent management, many policy measures still focus on management, but there are not many measures and methods in terms of service, support, and incentives.” At the meeting, faced with hundreds of participants from various industries and fields across the country. The “transcript” of historic achievements and historical changes in talent work in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping further analyzed the “breaking” and “establishing” of the reform of the system and mechanism of talent development.

Employing authorization is a question of “who has the final say”. “The most urgent task is to fully authorize the employers according to needs and actual conditions, and to grant them in place.” The general secretary is concerned about the implementation of the decentralization: “You can neither hold the power in your hand but give it; at the same time, it is not all about it. Throwing down and engaging in’free fall’ depends on whether it can be caught and used well.”

“Hat fever” is a question of “who judges it”. Some units use the “four only” baton to evaluate talents, only thesis, title, education, and awards. At this meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping specifically pointed out: “To deal with special talents who are in urgent need, we must have special policies, do not require full blame, do not judge seniority, do not use a ruler, so that talent heroes with real talents and learning can be useful.”

The venue was quiet, and I was struggling with writing.

A great undertaking of reform and innovation, a great era in which thousands of sails compete with each other and hundreds of horses compete.

“People’s Daily” (Version 02, October 01, 2021)

(Responsible editor: Niu Yong 、Yuan Bo)

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