Double happiness in the home of Jovana and Željko Joksimović: Twins Ana and Srna celebrated their birthday in a fairytale setting (photo)

Daughters Jovana and Željko Joksimović celebrated their birthday

It is happy today in the family home Joksimovic Zeljko and Jovana celebrate the fourth birthday of their twins Srne and Ana . As the popular couple revealed to us in an interview for the new issue of HELLO! magazine , for the party was carefully prepared.

Read: Jovana and Željko vowed eternal love twice, but they never did one thing, now it’s too late for that



– It is another step in their life and we will make it together. We, our family, and if circumstances allow, there will be friends.

Last year, the celebrated singer-songwriter and beautiful host gave their daughters a small celebration under the open sky. Today is also a nice time, Miholja’s summer lasts, so we have no doubt that everyone had a great time and that the girls received another unforgettable party as a gift.

Instagram Miloš Nadaždin

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