dpa-AFX CUSTOMER INFO: Financial analyzes in the dpa-AFX services

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – All reports from the financial news agency dpa-AFX are prepared with journalistic care. The six-eyes principle (creation, verification, additional release) is regularly applied when creating the reports. Each editor of dpa-AFX signs an internal Code of Conduct, which specifies specific dpa-AFX regulations for maintaining journalistic independence and compliance with which dpa-AFX can have checked individually with an external audit.

Reports on investment recommendations/financial analyzes from third parties merely summarize them or reproduce excerpts of them. However, the reports do not constitute investment advice or an investment recommendation, nor an offer or an invitation to conclude certain financial transactions.

Furthermore, they do not replace individual investor and investment-related advice. Therefore, any liability for damage of any kind (in particular financial loss) that may occur when using the reports for your own investment decision is excluded. dpa-AFX has no influence on the content of the financial analysis/investment recommendations themselves; the company responsible for the preparation is solely responsible for this.

Notes on any existing interests or conflicts of interest with regard to the financial instruments to which the reports of dpa-AFX refer to are disclosed on the following website: http://web.dpa-afx.de/offenlegungspflicht/offenlegungs_obligation.html

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