Dr. Kon revealed what measures the medical part of the Crisis Staff was looking for


Dr Kon otkrio koje mere je tražio medicinski deo Kriznog štabaDr Kon otkrio koje mere je tražio medicinski deo Kriznog štaba )
Photo: YouTube / RTS Website – Official Channel (Printscreen)

Epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Dr. Predrag Kon assessed that the epidemiological situation is “extremely serious” and that is why the medical part of the Crisis Staff demanded that more restrictive measures be introduced.

Kon pointed out that it is clear that the increase in the number of newly infected people can be slowed down by more restrictive measures and noted that the medical part of the Crisis Staff proposed that working hours be shortened to 5 pm and that public gatherings be banned. more than five people, and after that the covid pass will be introduced.

Visiting the public service Kon pointed out that they do not understand the counter-argument for the covid pass, estimating that it is clear that restrictive measures can slow down the increase in the number of newly infected.

“I do not particularly understand the counter-argument for covid pass and someone else must explain it. Where we have a single position is vaccination. Now we can say – the one who did not decide on the vaccine, decided to become infected “, said Kon and pointed out that the issue of mandatory vaccination in Serbia has not been completely resolved.

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