Dragon Age: The Veilguard Unveils Warrior Combat Overview

Combat in RPGs is often vital. It is one of the primary aspects of the game and one of the ways players get to make characters their own. Of course, RPG games that use different classes need to make the combat feel unique for any class a player chooses. Dragon Age: The Veilguard is no different. BioWare, in a new developer blog, shares an overview of combat for their upcoming RPG, Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Through the lens of one of the game’s classes, the Warrior, the blog brings a gameplay overview video for players to see the basics of combat and what the warrior is all about. Additionally, the post covers some of the more in-depth facets of combat. 

Dragon Age: The Veilguard allows players to choose from three distinct classes. The Warrior, The Rogue, and The Mage are the three basic classes. Yet, the game allows players to diversify the style of each class by choosing subclasses. Importantly, the subclasses add some versatility to each of the classes. However, some base class traits remain. For instance, the warrior focuses on melee combat and high defenses. Interestingly, each class will have a mix of buffs, debuffs, and crowd control, to be used strategically in combat. Furthermore, the game’s utilization of the ability wheel allows players to slow down combat and think more tactically in the heat of battle.

Of course, players can get a better look at the combat basics of Veilguard in the gameplay overview. Check it out below.

More information about Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be coming soon. Including more overviews about the Rogue and Mage.


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