DRAMA IN THE CANARY ISLANDS! LAVA SWALLOWS EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF HIMSELF: 5,500 people evacuated, 1,000 buildings destroyed (VIDEO)

The volcano in the Canary Islands erupted for the first time on September 19 and it is not known when the eruptions will stop.

Source: twitter / screenshot / @ nourefidel

On the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, part of the volcano collapsed and the flow of lava to the sea increased, they announced Spanish media.

The state television RTVE states that the rocks whose temperature is above 1,000 degrees fell down the same road as before, and that therefore no new evacuations are needed.

*) Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, announced a program of aid of 206 million euros for those affected by the eruption of the volcano.

So far, lava has destroyed more than 1,000 buildings and caused great damage to agriculture and infrastructure in the Canary Islands.

More than 5,500 people have been forced to flee their homes.

A volcano in southern La Palma, visited by fewer tourists than other Canary Islands such as Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventure, or Lanzarote, erupted for the first time on September 19 ra after 50 years.

Volcanologists cannot yet determine how long the volcano will be active.

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