Drew Barrymore went to Courteney Cox over pregnancy scare while making Scream

Drew Barrymore has revealed she went to Courteney Cox when she experienced a pregnancy scare while making their 1996 movie Scream.

The 46-year-old actress recently interviewed her Scream co-stars Cox, Neve Campbell, and David Arquette on her daytime talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show, and recalled thinking she was pregnant as a 21-year-old.

During the interview, Barrymore remembered how the Friends star supported her through the situation.

“We became so close, Courteney. I remember at the poster shoot I was, like, having a nervous breakdown because I was having a false sense of being pregnant,” the Never Been Kissed star remembered.

Barrymore reminisced about the questions she asked Cox, 57, about how to know if she was pregnant.

“I kept asking you, ‘How do you know if you’re pregnant?’ Like, I’m freaking out! We’re supposed to shoot this poster but oh my god, I just started dating somebody!” she continued, adding that she felt safe going to Cox about the situation as she was a “mature, safe person”.

Cox responded by agreeing that she was the older person in the room and “the right person to go to”.

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