Drones fall from the sky during failed performance in Zhengzhou

Initially, organizers of the display blamed a competing drone company, alleging that their rival manufactured an “ill-intentioned signal inference” to sabotage the performance. But later, the shopping complex told (in Chinese) local police that the issue might have been caused by “operation errors” on its end. 

Hailed as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fireworks, drone light shows are having a big moment in China, as businesses and local governments use them for promotional campaigns and celebrations. Last month, when Mèng Wǎnzhōu 孟晚舟, the chief financial officer of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, landed in Shenzhen after more than 1,000 days on bail awaiting extradition charges in Canada, local officials employed 300 drones for an extravagant display in the sky, which included a message that read, “Wanzhou has returned home, the motherland is strong and formidable.”

But flying over people is a tricky task, and the incident in Zhengzhou wasn’t the first instance of things getting out of hand at a drone light show. In January, during the rehearsal of a performance organized by a shopping mall in Chongqing, a fleet of nearly 100 drones crashed into a building (in Chinese) due to a technical glitch.

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