Duar! Ethiopian Bomb Attack Kills 56 People, Injures 30

Ledakan dari serangan udara Israel di sebuah bangunan di Kota Gaza melemparkan debu dan puing-puing  ketika Hamas dan Israel bertukar lebih banyak roket dan serangan udara dan kekerasan Yahudi-Arab berkecamuk di seluruh Israel pada akhir bulan suci Ramadhan (13/5/2021). (AP/Hatem Moussa)Photo: Explosion from an Israeli air strike on a building in Gaza City throws dust and debris as Hamas and Israel exchange more rockets and Air strikes and Jewish-Arab violence rage across Israel at the end of the holy month of Ramadan (13/5/2021). (AP/Hatem Moussa)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – As many as 56 people were killed and 30 people were injured due to an air strike at an internal refugee camp in the Tigray region, north Ethiopian. This information was said by two witnesses who are volunteer workers, Saturday (08/01/2022).

Quoting Reuters, Saturday (08/01/2022), local authorities and reports eyewitnesses, the two volunteers, who asked not to be named, said the death toll had been confirmed by local authorities.

One of the witnesses, who visited Shire Shul General Hospital where the injured were taken for treatment, said the camp housed many elderly women and children.

“They told me that the bomb came in the middle of the night. It was really dark and they couldn’t escape,” said the witness.

In addition, witnesses also said the strike hit the camp in the town of Dedebit, in the northwestern region near the border with Eritrea, on Friday lam.

Military spokesman Colonel Getnet Adane and government spokesman Legesse Tulu did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The government previously denied targeting civilians in its 14-month conflict with Tigrayan rebel forces.

Ethiopian federal forces fought with Tigrayan rebel forces in November 2020.

Before the latest attack, at least 146 people were killed and 213 injured in air strikes on Tigray since October 18, according to documents prepared by the relevant aid agencies.


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