Duo win Sellafield £600m Electrical & Instrumentation deal

NG Bailey and Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick have taken the two spots for Electrical & Instrumentation, a framework worth £485-£600m over the 18-year life of the programme.

It marks the second major success for Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick, which won a place alongside EJ Parker Technical Services on the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, a framework agreement worth up to £250m.

The key delivery partner E&I package was awarded by the overarching Programme and Project Partners – a five-strong team of firms delivering the massive clean up.

The PPP partnership is made up of lot partners KBR (integration partner); Jacobs (design and engineering partner); Morgan Sindall Infrastructure (civils construction management partner) and Doosan Babcock (process construction management partner) and Sellafield as the fifth partner.

It has been procured under a new Multi Project Procurement (MPP) model which encourages long-term collaboration throughout the supply chain, enhanced project delivery.

The MPP model will see the appointment of Key Delivery Partners to deliver work packages covering everything from building fit out, groundworks and general civils to steelwork and cladding.

Craig Jowett, on behalf of PPP, said: “This is the largest MPP framework to be awarded to date, the responses from all tenderers were of the highest calibre and the level of commitment shown by the successful companies and those who have supported this package during the last nine months shows the enthusiasm this framework model is creating. We now move forward into the construction phase and start delivering against the critical success factors.”

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