Dying Light 2 Contest Being Held for Fan Content

Win Yourself a Copy of Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 has felt like a game that has taken forever to get here. Between the unending amount of post-launch content for the first game and the delays of the second, fans have waited a long time. We are now just about a month away and a contest is being held right now for fans to win a few different prizes.

There are a few different ways to enter and angles to work. You may either enter with a written story of a citizen of The City, fan art of the world of Dying Light, or a cosplay of one of the characters in the game.

Dying Light 2

Techland does not provide examples of what to do, but they have put together a few profiles of characters models for cosplayers to work from. What you create is otherwise entirely up to you.

There are three different prizes to be won from this contest. The first place prize is a Collector’s Edition of Dying Light 2, a “surprise crate” worth over $300, plus a $2,500 cash prize. Second place is a Deluxe Edition of the game, a “surprise box” worth over $100, and a $1,000 cash prize. Third place is a standard copy of the game, a “surprise backpack” worth over $50, and a $500 cash prize.

Each prize will be awarded to a top winner in each category; cosplay, fan art, and fan writing. No matter your strength, you have a shot at winning.

The deadline to submit your entry is January 10th. The judges will be developers of Dying Light 2. Dying Light 2 will be coming out for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Will you enter the contest? Let us know in the comments below.


Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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