Dynamo acquire homegrown GK Xavier Valdez from New York teams

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2022-02-27 23:06:47 GMT+00:00 – Houston Dynamo FC acquired the homegrown territory exclusivity rights to 18-year-old goalkeeper Xavier Valdez and signed him to a multi-year contract.

The Dynamo said Sunday they are sending $50,000 each in conditional general allocation money to the New York Red Bulls and New York City FC as part of the trade.

The New York teams also will retain a percentage of future transfer fees outside of MLS.

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Contract details were not announced.

Valdez is from Yonkers, N.Y. He had been with the Dynamo Academy since July 2020 and was a regular goalkeeper for its U-23 team.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to sign Xavier to his first professional contract,” Dynamo general manager Pat Onstad said. “Since joining the Academy in 2020, Xavier has proven to be a goalkeeper with great potential. Xavier has gotten the chance to train extensively with the Dynamo first team, and has shown that he has what it takes to be a great MLS goalkeeper.”

(Field Level Media)

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