Džejla Ramović revealed how she is in Barcelona! MY LIFE IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT HERE!

How SCANDAL! finds out, Džejla Ramović lives in Barcelona completely secluded and peaceful! The singer says that she is dedicated to learning, and when she has free time, she mostly dedicates herself to movies and books!

Dzejla Ramović


– Jaila is diligent, she is studying and she wants to be the best student, and that requires a lot of effort – our source begins and adds:

– When he doesn’t have to study, he doesn’t go to the party as many people think, on the contrary. She sits in the apartment, reads books, watches movies… It really fulfills her. She regularly goes to yoga and singing classes because it never occurs to her to neglect her career. As she herself explained, in Belgrade it is fun, performances, fun and madness, and in Barcelona it is completely different. Everything is calm and moderate. Of course, she will return to her career and songs, but now her priority is to finish college and work on herself in every sense for a few more years, and there will be time for fun – concluded our source.

Read: Karleusa answered a series of ugly words and insults, and then deleted the post!

AUTOR: Marjan Kamenović


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