EastEnders spoilers: Shirley left to die after Gray attacks her in final act of revenge

Gray Atkins (Toby-Alexander Smith) was at last apprehended in EastEnders, but not before carrying out one final violent act, as he lashed out at Shirley Carter (Linda Henry).

Shirley had once considered Gray a close friend and confidante, so it’s no surprise that she found herself consumed with rage upon learning that he was responsible for Tina’s (Luisa Bradshaw-White) demise.

Tina, as viewers know, was killed by dastardly Gray over a year ago, with the killer subsequently hiding her body in the Argee Bhajee.

Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) stumbled upon the body last month and notified the authorities, with DCI Arthurs later informing Shirley and Mick (Danny Dyer) that Tina was dead.

Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) put two and two together, telling the Carters that she thinks Gray is to blame for Tina’s death, and Shirley wasted little time in pursuing revenge, as she headed off to his place of residence with a knife.

Gray, however, wasn’t home.

The killer, you see, was too busy trying to escape, and Thursday’s (March 10) edition of the serial drama saw him having to up his game, as cop cars and flashing blue lights flooded the Square.

After Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) saw through his lies, Gray found himself in the Queen Vic, where he came face-to-face with vengeful Shirley.

Shirley, surprised to see him in the pub, sought revenge, as she knocked him to the floor, before picking up a bottle of alcohol and smashing it over his head!

She wasn’t finished there, however, as she took hold of a bar stool and attacked him once more. Gray attempted to escape, but Shirley got down on top of him and attempted to strangle him to death.

Mick arrived in the nick of time to stop her from doing something she could live to regret, but little did he know that Gray had managed to make a swift recovery.

In shocking scenes, the killer picked up an item nearby and whacked Shirley across the back of the head.

Shirley fell to the floor, unconscious.

Gray used the distraction to escape Mick’s grasp, though he was later apprehended by Whitney and Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths), before being escorted away in a police vehicle.

Shirley, however, remains in a critical condition, as she was transported to the hospital in an ambulance.

Will she be okay?

EastEnders continues Monday March 14 at 7:30pm on BBC One.

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