Eating disorders are on the rise among young girls since the pandemic

“Many of them have joined the call to exercise and to eat healthy. Unfortunately, some or some go too far, ”explains the coordinator of the food clinic at UZ Brussel.

Photo d’illustration.
Illustrative photo. – Pexels.

L e number of diet among young women and girls has increased sharply since the health crisis, writes De Morgen on Wednesday on the basis of a survey of various health care institutions. Waiting lists in hospitals to treat these pathologies sometimes extend over four months.

The number of reports has increased considerably, especially since the second wave of the crisis, and remains high while the peak of the coronavirus epidemic is already far behind us. This concerns people – mainly girls – suffering from eating disorders, bulimia and especially anorexia. All food clinics report that the average age of women seeking help has also dropped significantly since the pandemic. They are, much more often than in the past, girls between 12 and 16 years old.

Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) says the topic is high on the agenda. “Since this year, we have invested 16 million euros annually in, among others, youth psychiatry and specialized teams. In addition, the Insurance Commission’s budget proposal provides for additional resources for the care of young people with eating disorders. ”

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