Eating eggs has many benefits, but it is best not to eat them with 4 foods, otherwise you will only see the disease in your body.

Egg is a food that everyone knows, it can be said to be very rich in nutritional value but Many people are not very clear about its little secrets.

Ăn trứng có nhiều lợi ích nhưng tốt nhất bạn không nên ăn chung với 4 loại thực phẩm kẻo lợi đâu chẳng thấy chỉ thấy rước bệnh vào người - Ảnh 1.

Eating eggs has many benefits, but it’s best not to eat with these 4 foods, please quickly tell your family!

1. Soy milk

In daily life, to get enough nutrition in the morning, many people will use soy milk, or give your child a refreshment with soy milk after eating eggs.

But in fact, eating these two things separately does indeed have health benefits very large but don’t eat them together. Because in soy milk contains a special substance, trypsin (an enzyme), which combines with the protein in egg white to lose nutrients, thereby making the nutritional value of these two substances worse. The body can absorb will be greatly reduced.

Ăn trứng có nhiều lợi ích nhưng tốt nhất bạn không nên ăn chung với 4 loại thực phẩm kẻo lợi đâu chẳng thấy chỉ thấy rước bệnh vào người - Ảnh 4.

2. Persimmons

There is a saying: “Walnuts in July, pears in August, persimmons in September”. This means 3 months of autumn, each month has a typical fruit. September, October is the season of persimmons with a large quantity on the market, many of you like to eat persimmons but don’t know that when you eat eggs, you can’t eat persimmons and vice versa.

Because persimmons contain tannins, eggs are a protein-rich food, and tannin and protein will react to produce tannin protein, which is deposited in the body and not digested, exacerbating problems. gastrointestinal problems, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain and even stone formation.

Ăn trứng có nhiều lợi ích nhưng tốt nhất bạn không nên ăn chung với 4 loại thực phẩm kẻo lợi đâu chẳng thấy chỉ thấy rước bệnh vào người - Ảnh 2.

3. Pork belly

When eating eggs, we should not eat more bacon. Because the combination of the two can easily lead to poisoning. Moreover, the soft tortoise is naturally greasy, so people who are prone to colds and dampness should not eat it.

Also, it doesn’t like it. suitable for pregnant women and people with poor digestive system after giving birth.

Ăn trứng có nhiều lợi ích nhưng tốt nhất bạn không nên ăn chung với 4 loại thực phẩm kẻo lợi đâu chẳng thấy chỉ thấy rước bệnh vào người - Ảnh 4.

4. Tea

In addition, eggs are also taboo with tea. Because in tea contains a lot of tannin, and after the tannin is synthesized with the protein in the egg, it will become a protein tannin, like with persimmon.

This is not beneficial for the absorption of nutrients by eggs, and at the same time will make it difficult for the stomach to digest, not conducive to gastrointestinal motility.

Ăn trứng có nhiều lợi ích nhưng tốt nhất bạn không nên ăn chung với 4 loại thực phẩm kẻo lợi đâu chẳng thấy chỉ thấy rước bệnh vào người - Ảnh 4.

Source and photo: Kknews

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